MED-QUAD in Greece launches a tender for the purchase of laboratory equipment for Smart Water Use Applications living lab (5/1/2022)

The International Hellenic University (IHU) is a partner of the EU co-funded project MED-QUAD. It is a cross-border cooperation project that aims to create conditions- through the establishment of Mediterranean Cross-border Living Labs on: Smart Water Use Applications and Applied Research for Cultural Heritage Exploitation- for an effective interaction between the main innovation players of the Quadruple Helix approach: academia, industry, civil society and governments in the digital economy. The project covers Greece, Italy, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Palestine through a partnership of seven complementary organizations. 

IHU, as a result of this, invites suppliers to submit a proposal, as appropriate, to provide the Smart Water Applications (SWUAP) living lab equipment. In preparing and submitting a proposal, it is required to follow IHU instructions under the “ENI CBC Med Programme” guidelines for bidders available in the funding Programme ENI CBC MED website. 

The call details are available in the Greek language at these links:  & 

Technical support  is available between Monday-Friday from 10:00-14:00 hrs, local Greek time. 

For any further clarifications, please contact the following: 

Name: Associate Professor Dr.Kassianidis Panagiotis (Scientific Project Manager) 

E-mail:   Interested suppliers are invited to submit their offers by the given closing date and time: 2022-01-19, 14:00 hrs, local Greek time, IHU Campus