
to the Department of Organisation Management, Marketing and Tourism

The department of Organisation Management, Marketing and Tourism is an academic unit of the School of Economics and Management of the International Hellenic University. The main field of studies of the department belongs to the sciences of management and marketing as well as to the interdisciplinary field of tourism.
The department was founded in 2019 and accepted students, for the first time, during the academic year 2019-2020. It is an evolution of the department of Business Administration (with programs in: 1.Tourism and Hospitality Management and 2.Management/Marketing) of the formerly Alexander Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Thessaloniki. The department is located in the greater area of Thessaloniki and particularly in Sindos. It belongs to the International Hellenic University.

The graduates of the department will have a strong scientific background in fields such as management, HRM, quality assurance, service management, usage of information and communication technologies, economic theory, mathematics, foreign languages and mainly in the specializations of the department which are organizations administration, marketing and tourism and hospitality management. Moreover, the graduates are expected to develop knowledge, abilities and aptitudes necessary to follow a career in, mainly, the private sector as well as the public one.
The department of Organisation Management, Marketing and Tourism has a modern and flexible curriculum and offers the following specializations (from the fifth semester):

  • Organizations Administration
  • Marketing
  • Management of Tourism and Hospitality

Contact information

CALL CENTER for students
Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 14:00 Tel (+30) 2310 013756
Email for communication of students with secretary gramdomt@ommt.ihu.gr

Head of secretary
Mrs Maria Kotta
email: info@ommt.ihu.gr
Tel (+30) 2310 013564