DABILab Publications

Articles in scientific journals

Towers, N., Momtazian, L., Stalidis, G., Copland, S. and Nitsos, I. (2024). Job role clarity: A missing component of supply chain visibility. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal (to appear)

Stalidis G., Karaveli I., Diamantaras K., Delianidi M., Christantonis K., Tektonidis D., Katsalis A., Salampasis M. (2023). Recommendation Systems for e-Shopping: Review of Techniques for Retail and Sustainable Marketing. Sustainability 2023, 15, 16151. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152316151

Metsai, A. I., Tabakis, I. M., Karamitsios, K., Kotrotsios, K., Chatzimisios, P., Stalidis, G., & Goulianas, K. (2022). Customer Journey: Applications of AI and Machine Learning in E-Commerce. In Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning (pp. 123-132). Springer, Cham.

Stalidis, G., Siomos T., Kaplanoglou, P., Katsalis, A., Karaveli, I., Delianidi, M. and Diamantaras K. (2021). Multidimensional Factor and Cluster analysis vs embedding-based learning for personalized supermarket offer recommendations, pp 273-281. In Chadjipadelis, T., Lausen, B., Markos, A., Lee, T. R., Montanari, A., & Nugent, R. (Eds.). Data Analysis and Rationality in a Complex World. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-60104-1_30.

Stalidis G. (2019), “A knowledge engineering framework for intelligent targeting of online video advertisements”, International Journal of Technology Marketing 13(2) pp 165-177, DOI: 10.1504/IJTMKT.2019.10021177.

Eleni-Maria Mousouraki, Dimitrios Kardaras, George Stalidis, Eleutherios Papathanasiou (2019), “Investigating the Social Media Potential to Attract Customers in the Banking Services Industry Using Fuzzy Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process”, In book: Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism, pp.575-582, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-12453-3_66

 Zissi A. and Stalidis G. (2017), “Social class and mental distress in Greek urban communities during the period of economic recession”, International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 63(5):459-567.

Zisi A., Stalidis G. and Benos A. (2017), “Social class and mental health: Empirical evidence from a comparative study” , Archives of Greek Medicine 2017, 34(1):75–85 (in Greek).

Stalidis G., Karapistolis D. and Vafeiadis A. (2015), “Marketing decision support using Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Modeling: application to tourist destination management”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 175 (2015) 106-113, DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.1180

Frangos C.C., Karapistolis D., Stalidis G., Fragkos Con., Sotiropoulos I. and Manolopoulos I. (2015), “Tourist Loyalty is All About Prices, Culture and the Sun: A Multinomial Logistic Regression of Tourists Visiting Athens”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences  175 (2015) 32-38, DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.1171

Stalidis G. and Karapistolis D. (2014), “Knowledge discovery and computerized reasoning to assist tourist destination marketing”, International Journal on Strategic Innovative Marketing, Vol.01, pp 103-119, DOI: 10.15556/IJSIM.01.02.004

Frangos C.C., Fragkos Con, Stalidis G., Karapistolis D., Sotiropoulou Virg. I. and Manolopoulos I. (2014), “Exploring the Effects of Annual Income, History of Area and Natural Beauty on Loyalty to a Tourist Destination: The Case of Thessaloniki, Greece”, International Journal on Strategic Innovative Marketing, Vol.01, pp 186-197, DOI: 10.15556/IJSIM.01.04.001

Stalidis G. and Karapistolis D. (2014), “Tourist Destination Marketing Supported by Electronic Capitalization of Knowledge”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences  (2014) pp. 110-118, doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.024

Chtouris Sotiris, Zissi Anastasia, Stalidis George and Rontos Kostas (2014). Understanding Xenophobia in Greece: A Correspondence Analysis. European Journal of Sociology, 55, pp 107-133 doi:10.1017/S0003975614000058

Stalidis G. (2013), “Discovering marketing rules for the tourist sector in visitor service quality surveys”, Journal of Marketing Vistas, Vol 3, No 2, pp 24-37.

Vlachakis Sotirios, Stalidis Georgios, Kokkinis Georgios (2013), “The impact of pedestrianisation of Hagia Sophia street (Thessaloniki) in retail trade area”, PRactical Issues in Management & Economics (PRIME) ISSN 1791-5767, vol 6, 157-170.

Stalidis G., Karapistolis D. (2012), “Data Analysis to support business planning: application to a novel internet radio business”, Data Analysis Bulletin, issue 13/12, pp. 59-72.

Karapistolis D. and Stalidis G. (2011). “Factor Data Analysis and econophysics: application in market segmentation”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 4 (3) 256 – 260.

Chapters in collective volumes

Stalidis G and Rentari M. (2017). Finding patterns of social profiles and labor integration processes in times of crisis using Correspondence Analysis, 295-306. In “Youth in Greece today. Social status, work and social networks” (In Greek), Editor: Chtouris Sotiris,
Epikentro (in Greek)

Boga-Karteri K., Stalidis G. and Papanicolas C. (2011). Organizational Communication and its Effect on Enterprise Performance, pp 440-451. In ʽThe Economies of the Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed Worldʼ, Editor: Anastasios G. Karasavvoglou, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Conference presentations and proceedings

Matta E. and Stalidis G. (2023), “Profiling online and physical supermarket customers using Factor and Clustering Methods”, The 2023 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (ICMarkTech), 30 November-2 December 2023, Prague.

Stalidis G. & Kyriazidou S. (2023),  “Job Role Description and Skill Matching in a Rapidly Changing Labor Market using Knowledge Engineering”. 10th International Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism, 22-26 September 2023, Zakynthos.

Stalidis, G. (2022), “Factor analysis of the stance of consumers against digital loyalty programs”, 11th Panhellenic Conference of Data Analysis with International Participation, 29 September 2022, Grevena.

Metsai, A. I., Karamitsios, K., Kotrotsios, K., Chatzimisios, P., Stalidis, G., & Goulianas, K. (2022). Reinforcement Learning for Neural Collaborative Filtering. In 2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) (pp. 280-283). IEEE.

Metsai, A. I., Karamitsios, K., Kotrotsios, K., Chatzimisios, P., Stalidis, G., & Goulianas, K. (2022). Evolution of Neural Collaborative Filtering for Recommender Systems. In 2022 14th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST) (pp. 86-90). IEEE.

Metsai A., Tabakis I.-M., Karamitsios K., Kotrotsios K., Chatzimisios P., Stalidis G., Goulianas K. (2021), Customer Journey: Applications of AI & Machine Learning in E-Commerce, IMCL2021, 4-5 November, Thessaloniki.

Stalidis G. (2021), “The stances of retail e-shop customers on the effectiveness of personalised recommendation systems”,  9th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Virtual, 3-5 September,  Proc pp 231-232.

Stalidis G., Delianidi M., Christantonis K., Kaplanoglou P. I., Karaveli I., Katsalis A., Siomos T., Salampasis M. and Diamantaras K. (2020), «Personalised offer recommendations in retail combining factor and cluster analysis, neural networks and graph databases», 8th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Virtual, 11-13 September,  Proc pp 269-271.

Stalidis G., Kaplanoglou P., Diamantaras K. (2019), “Multidimensional data analysis of shopping records towards knowledge-based recommendation techniques”, 16th Conf of the International Federation of Classification Societies, 26-29 Aug 2019, Thessaloniki.

Stalidis G., Diamantaras K. (2019), “Offers just for you: intelligent recommendation of personalised offers employing multidimensional statistical models”, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 10-12 July, Heraklion, Proc pp 328-330.

Nitsos I., Stalidis G., Towers N. (2019), “An interactive e-learning tool for the fashion industry to enhance the knowledge sufficiency of professionals in supply chain visibility”, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 10-12 July, Heraklion, Proc pp 308-310.

Mousouraki E.M., Kardaras D., Stalidis G., Barbounaki S. Papathanasiou E. (2018), “Investigating the Social Media potential to attract customers in the banking services industry using Fuzzy Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process”, International Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing, 17-20 October, Athens.

Stalidis G., Kardaras D., Barbounaki S. (2018), “Data-driven marketing and loyalty programs: The stance of super market customers”, Intnl Conf on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 27-29 June, Athens.

Σταλίδης Γ. (2017), «Εύρεση προτύπων υψηλής αποτελεσματικότητας στο σχεδιασμό διαφημιστικού βίντεο για τη βελτιστοποίηση του ψηφιακού μάρκετινγκ», 9o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ανάλυσης Δεδομένων με Διεθνή Συμμετοχή, 28-30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017, Θεσσαλονίκη, σελ 24-25.

Koutra G., Barbounaki S., Kardaras D. and Stalidis G. (2017), “A Multicriteria model for Personnel selection in Maritime Industry in Greece”, 19th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, 24-26 July 2017, Thessaloniki.

Stalidis G. (2017), “A Knowledge-based design tool to improve the effectiveness of advertisement videos”, Intnl Conf on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 21-23 June, Thessaloniki.

Stalidis George (2016), “A Data Analysis and Knowledge Engineering Framework for Tourism Marketing Decision Support”, Workshop on Big Data & Business Intelligence in the Travel & Tourism Domain, 11-12 April 2016, Östersund, Sweden.

Stalidis George, Stalidis Panagiotis, Diamantaras Costas, Karapistolis Dimitrios (2015), «Knowledge extraction from tourist website comments and factor analysis of the customer sentiment for their hotel”, 8th Panhellenic Conference on Data Analysis, 10-12 September 2015, Alexandroupolis (in Greek).

Chtouris, Sotirios, Stalidis George, Rentari Malama, Miller DeMond (2015), “Labor integration processes and Job embeddedness of young people and the role of social factors in the current Greek economic crisis”, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 25-28 Aug 2015, Prague.

Chtouris Sotirios, Stalidis George, Miller DeMond, Rentari Malama (2015), “Transition from education to employment of Greek Young People. Social and Cultural Capital as main factors for the social and economic integration of young people. Results from In4Youth survey 2012-2014”, 36th Annual Conference of the International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (IWPLMS), 22-24 June 2015, Athens.

Stalidis George, Rentari Malama (2014), “Social profile patterns and labor integration processes using Multiple Correspondence Analysis”, Conference on Social and Labor Market Integration Processes of Youth People during Continuous Economic and Financial Crisis”, 28 November 2014, Thessaloniki (in Greek)

Stalidis G., Karapistolis D. and Vafeiadis A. (2014), Marketing decision support using Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Modeling: application to tourist destination management”, 3rd Intnl Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing, Madrid 1-4 September.

Frangos C., Fragkos C., Stalidis G., Sotiropoulos I. and Karapistolis D.(2014), “Modeling the Multi-Criteria Choice Behaviour of Target Groups Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process”, Intnl Conf on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 18-20 June, Athens, pp 922-928.

Stalidis George and Karapistolis Dimitrios (2013), “An ontology-based knowledge model for marketing decision support in Tourism”, 7th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference, Thessaloniki 19-22 November 2013.

Stalidis George and Karapistolis Dimitrios (2013), “Tourist destination marketing supported by electronic capitalization of knowledge”, The 2nd International Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing, Prague 13-17 September.

Stalidis G. and Karapistolis D. (2013), “Multidimensional Analysis of the Image of Thessaloniki and the satisfaction of its visitors for the extraction of Tourist Destination Marketing Rules”, 7th Panhellenic Data Analysis conf with international participation, Kavala, 12-14 September.

Stalidis G. and Karapistolis D. (2013), “Multidimensional Data Analysis and Knowledge Management Technologies for Tourist Decision Support”, Proc of 3rd Intnl Conf Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies in the Economic and Administrative Sciences (QMEAS) Athens, 23-24 May, 2013, pp 373-379, ISBN: 978-960-98739-4-9.

Vlachakis Sotirios, Stalidis Georgios, Kokkinis Georgios (2013), “The impact of pedestrianisation of Hagia Sophia street (Thessaloniki) in retail trade area”, 7th Intnl conference on Management and Economy, Larissa 8-10 June, 2013 ISBN: 978-960-9510-08-0.

Stalidis G. (2012), “Explorative Data Analysis and Knowledge Modeling methods for marketing decision support applied in the tourist sector”, ICCMI 2012, 13-15 June, Thessaloniki, pp 601-607.

Kokkinis G., Stalidis G., Avdimiotis S. (2012), “The role of social media advertising in travel information search: A preliminary study of the Greek market”, ICCMI 2012, Thessaloniki, pp 407-412.

Stalidis G. and Karapistolis D. (2011), “Data Analysis to support business planning”, 6th Panhellenic Data Analysis conf with international participation, Thessaloniki.

Karapistolis D., Stalidis G. (2011). “Factor Data Analysis and Econophysics: Application in Market Segmentation”, 1st Intnl Conference on EconoPhysics, Kavala, 2-3 June.

Boga-Karteri K., Stalidis G. (2010). “Organizational Communication and its Effect on Enterprise Performance”, 2nd Intnl Conf on The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the changed world, Kavala, Abstract p.65.

Stalidis G., Karapistolis D. (2009). “Knowledge Discovery Technologies for Enhancing the Feeling of Security of Citizens through Space Configuration Practices”, 5th Panhellenic Data Analysis conf with international participation, Rethymnon.