PhD candidate at the University of Vaasa, Department of Industrial Management, Finland. Research Area: The contribution of marketing to the development and shaping of marketing value chain in small and medium-sized family businesses. MBA from the University of Macedonia, Department of Business Administration, specializing in marketing.
Industry experience. Sales Manager at Minos SA, Commercial Manager at Thessaloniki Hydraulics Association SYNPE, Sales and Marketing Executive at Filkeram-Johnson SA. Teaching experience since 2003 at the Alexandrian Technological Educational Institute in marketing and sales courses.
Research interests: the development of small and medium-sized family businesses, entrepreneurship, marketing value chain, wholesale / retail trade, branding, positioning and repositioning of products and businesses, human typology.
Student contact hours:
Contact with students in campus: Monday 09.15 – 10.00 & Thursday 10.00 – 11.00.
Contact with students online: Monday 19.00-20.00*
Contact for academic advising in campus: Monday 14.00-16.00 & Thursday 10.00-11.00 .
Contact for academic advising online: Thurday 19.00-20.00*
* Students should contact by email (sotirisv@ihu.gr) in order to schedule an appointment.
A. Undergraduate
- Marketing II (Marketing mix)
- Wholesale/retailing
- Food marketing
- Sales management
- Marketing management
B. Postgraduate
- Marketing for educational units