European Fashion Retail Supply Chain Visibility Training Resource – SCVis

Programme Erasmus+ Key Action 2
Duration 1/11/2017 to 30/10/2019
Scientific coordinator for IHUDr George Stalidis, Associate Professor
  • The University of Gloucestershire, UK (Coordinator)
  • MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business,IT
  • École Supérieure de Sciences Commerciales d’Angers, France
  • Dublin Institute of Techology DIT, Ireland
  • International Hellenic University – Department of Organisation Management, Marketing and Tourism (former ATEITh), Greece

The aim of the project is to create an advanced eLearning tool to support the European retail supply chain in the fashion industry. The SCVis digital learning tool, through original methodology, interactivity and knowledge content, is capable of detecting knowledge gaps and providing easily accessible resources to professionals of students, directing them towards the strengthening of their careers.

-> Visit the main SCVis project website

-> Use freely the SCVis Tool